
Topic: Cinematography
EQ: How can a film maker best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Third Interview Questions

Questions that I will be asking my 2nd mentor, but not in this particular order.

1. How can a cinematographer best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?
2. Which filmmakers do you believe can easily achieve that connection?
3. Do you recommend any books on the topic?
4. Do you think such a connection can be achieved in a low to no budget film? Why or Why not?
5. Do you think such a connection in a short film? Why or why not?
6. What kind of knowledge do you think a filmmaker must have in order to achieve such a connection?
7. Do you think it's only the cinematographer's job to achieve such a connection, or is this a job meant for collaboration?
8. What genre of film do you think you can best display this connection?
9. What advice would you give an ameteur cinematographer?
10. What aspects do you think an audience looks for in a film to consider it well made?

1 comment:

  1. 2. How?
    3. Why?
    5. (This seems obvious)...maybe how creating the connection differs from feature?)
    6. What kind of knowledge do you think a filmmaker must have in order to achieve such a connection?
    7. yes/no...rephrase
    8. how?
    9. What advice would you give an ameteur cinematographer?
    10. What aspects do you think an audience looks for in a film to consider it well made?
