
Topic: Cinematography
EQ: How can a film maker best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog 9: EQ

1. I've reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.

2a. "What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss? " It's hard to say that it follows the first rule. Though it ca be researched extensively, I feel like it can be turned into a yes/no question due to singling out only one factor. It does follow the other two rules by taking a stance and having an appropriate format.

2b. "What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?" This is following all the three rules. It can be extensively researched and can't be easily answered by a single factor, it takes a stance, and the wording makes sense.

2c. "What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a costumer?" This topic might not exactly be able to be extensively researched, although it's answers are surly not going to be yes or no. It's clear that she wants to perfect costumer service, and it's wording makes sense.

2d. "How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?" This does follow the first rule and the third rule, but I'm feeling a bit sketch as to the stance the author is taking. Maybe a little bit more specific as to how a good treatment is to the patient.

3. "How can a cinematography best use image to spark an emotion with the film's audience?" Yes, I am keeping my current EQ. I feel like it can be researched extensively with a beefy answer, and the wording makes sense. Although, I do have to admit that it might not be the best as to showing what stance I taking.