
Topic: Cinematography
EQ: How can a film maker best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Recap

You know, December I going to bring a storm worth of work to the senior. I guess November was like the calm before the storm. All we've really been doing is preparing for Model Assembly and finishing up any other classes for the semester. But coming back from break we're going into Pittman's component, tightening up our speech, and testing our knowledge on Robert' rule. Not to mention I have to film both night on the red carpet and the play for drama. Quite  lot of work I have ahead of me.
Vacation though was  lot of work all on it's own. Some of you my know, I'm in the process of joining the Navy, and part of that process includes going to the MEPS (Military Examination and Processing Station) station in LA to take a full and thorough physical, but the processing started at 5 in the morning, so I got to pend the night the Sheraton Hotel near LAX. That was cool, it was my first time in  higher end hotel. I did have to wake up t 3:30 in the morning but when I got to the lobby I got my fir share of the breakfast buffet they had. So I was in LA since Sunday night and, due to complication, I had to stay another night. though the second night w kind of boring due to the lack of activities a minor can do within walking distance of LAX.
Wednesday morning I was with friends playing Dungeons and Dragons. The rest of that week I was either eating or helping out Jon build set piece for drama's play. Not exciting, but till not too shabby.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog 9: EQ

1. I've reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.

2a. "What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss? " It's hard to say that it follows the first rule. Though it ca be researched extensively, I feel like it can be turned into a yes/no question due to singling out only one factor. It does follow the other two rules by taking a stance and having an appropriate format.

2b. "What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?" This is following all the three rules. It can be extensively researched and can't be easily answered by a single factor, it takes a stance, and the wording makes sense.

2c. "What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a costumer?" This topic might not exactly be able to be extensively researched, although it's answers are surly not going to be yes or no. It's clear that she wants to perfect costumer service, and it's wording makes sense.

2d. "How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?" This does follow the first rule and the third rule, but I'm feeling a bit sketch as to the stance the author is taking. Maybe a little bit more specific as to how a good treatment is to the patient.

3. "How can a cinematography best use image to spark an emotion with the film's audience?" Yes, I am keeping my current EQ. I feel like it can be researched extensively with a beefy answer, and the wording makes sense. Although, I do have to admit that it might not be the best as to showing what stance I taking.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Recap

This month has been very eventful. I finished up the doing the game show for Mr. Strand. It turned out great! I'll post it up if he gives me permission to. I got hired for another job. Jeremy and I are going to  be filming a a quinceñera in January. Right now we just filmed one of the practices. Best part about it, we're actually getting paid. This will probably count as my independent component.
I also just back in touch with the production company, New Circuit Films. I'll be happy to say that I will be working with them as a PA. This experience should help me broaden my knowledge of how the business side of the industry is handled.
Scare fare was today! I was a zombie western sheriff. I thought that I was a clear winner for the scariest costume but Richard snaked it from under me. Oh well, nice work Richard. But today I was number one bounty hunter for the jail. Left and right there was people screaming when they found out that I was after them to arrest them. Yup, that was definitely cool. I'd say that I can't wait for next year, but I'd be gone by then. Man I'm going to miss it here.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Research and Working EQ

1. EQ: How can a cinematographer best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?

2. By using a series of different camera shots, the cinematographer can bring the audience further into a film. An example is how the cinematographer of the 1960s Batman TV show, Howard Schwartz, used the dutch angles when only the villains and their henchmen are in the shot in order show how crooked these characters were. 
3. The most important source I have that helped me answer my EQ is an article, "11 Essential Film Techniques" by Edoardo Nolfo.

4. My mentor is Phil Miller, the ROP film teacher at Ipoly. Under his mentorship I learn more about sound, lighting, and some camera movements. I then can take what I've learned ad put them into practice as to manipulating a shot and thus manipulating the audience's emotions. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

1. For my first independent component I am just going to continue on with my mentorship as a TA for ROP film with Phil Miller. He's been making me do some special projects, which include testing out new equipment and technology being introduced, and doing different film projects to either document the student's projects or do a promotion for the school event. I can even expand from this and going out and getting my own special jobs and doing some video shoots for other events.
2. Since I am doing this component under my mentor, he can vouch for me saying that I've been completing my hours with him. For any other projects that I may do out side if of my mentorship I can always document my progress using video. A way to organize them may be by creating my own YouTube account of the documentation and posting links on the log and the blog posts.
3. What I'm doing for this independent component is mostly doing is learning and getting myself affiliated with the different types of gadgets that are used in the film industry, such as lights and sound equipment. This knowledge can help me on how to manipulate a shot in order to display the image of what is inside the director's head.
4. the log of my activities and hours for this component can be found in the selection of links called "Sausage Links" under the name called "Independent Component 1 Log." ----------------------------------->

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I found my mentor!

Sorry for not telling you guys about it earlier, but I've been doing my mentorship as a TA for Phil Miller, the ROP Film teacher at Ipoly. I've been doing the usual for now: making copies and setting up equipment. But he's also been making me do my own special projects. I think for those I shall log them as part of my independent component since I'm actually applying skills to make a film, not just learning about it. Like today, I put together a full set of lights on a backdrop so that I can film Mr.Strand in an interview fashion for a newlywed game type video that his fiance was going to use for her party. I night post it up. I'll ask Mr.Strand for that. Anyways, already I feel like I will be able to do so much for my project mentoring with Mr. Miller.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Second Interview Questions

1. My mentor at the moment is Phil Miller. He's the ROP teacher for film at Ipoly.
2. Questions that I will be asking:

  • What first got you interested in the film industry?
  • What made you decide to pursue this as a career? 
  • Where did you go for film school, and how were the studies?
  • What aspect of film production do you have the most experience in?
  • Who are some inspirations in the field and why?
  • What projects have you worked on?
  • Anything interesting happened on any of the sets? 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blog 5 Project Reflection and Working EQ

1. I got a lot of positive things out of my summer mentorship, even though I'm not pursuing that topic anymore. I was doing some paper work and filing for my old middle school, but it was during the first week of school. So, they had tons of work to be done there, and if I wasn't there all of that work would have been dropped on just one filing clerk. She was beyond relieved that I was there. This also impressed the school counselor and principal. They have both offered to show there gratitude for my help by agreeing to write letters of recommendation and being references for any future job interview of mine.

2. During my latest research check, I came across an article that filmmaker Chris Randall wrote. It was his 10 tips for aspiring filmmakers. The way he put it was simple. Film making is not easy. It's not just about point and shoot. There's a lot of time, thought and effort that goes into. Even then, to get to the level of some of the greatest filmmakers ever know you have to practice and improve your skills. So the only way I'll get better at film making myself is to make a lot of films, short ones even.

3. I think the only thing that has worked so far is getting Phil Miller for my interview. He seems to be the most reliable person I have helping me out in the project.

4. Right now only one thing hasn't been working out for me. The first is my mentor, Roy Kurtluyan. He's an independent film maker who just came out with his latest film, The Power of Few. The problem is I haven't been able to get into contact with him for about two months already. I even talked to my connection for him and even he can't get in touch with him through any sort of media. So, in the end I;ll most likely be getting a new mentor.

5a. A potential question that I would like to study this year is somewhere along the lines of: How do you extract the most emotion out of an audience through film?

5b. I am hoping that my Roy Kurtluyan will be able to pull through in time to be my mentor, but if that does not work out I'm planning on taking an ROP course on film making.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1. The person that I'm planning on interviewing is my old ROP teacher, Mr. Phil Miller. I've chosen to interview him for a number of reasons, mostly because he is the most reliable source I have. Another reason why I've chosen him s because he does have a broad knowledge of the film production process, from top to bottom. I expect to get a lot of useful information from him.
2.  Additional questions I will be asking:
  • What kind of approach do you think I could take on this topic that could be effective?
  • What aspects of filmmaking are good for me to get into?
  • How can I as a high school student get a head start in this area of work?
No doubt, I'll come up with some more questions by the time I do the interview. Or at least, I can perfect the questions I've made so far.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. The topic that I will be pursuing for the Senior Project is film production.
2. I'll improve on being a more effective learner by going out and learning on my own for my independent component. I'll improve on my communication by being more clear and getting my points across more efficiently during the mock assembly. I'll show how I've improved on my effectiveness with technology by becoming more elaborate in my presentations, which I'll be proving during my senior presentation and my evening trade show by maybe using a different form of power point load out or even do what Navaroli does and bombard it with awesome pictures and animations. To be a more effective I-Poly citizen I will be more involved in the school programs. I might not be a part of ASB but that does not mean I won't be helping out and bringing new ideas to bring the students together.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cisco's Summer Mentorship Component

1. Cisco's summer mentorship log
2. I volunteered at Walnut Grove Intermediate School under MS. Borquez. the phone number to reach her at is (626) 919-7018.
3. a. Since these are important documents that need to be processed correctly, am I able to file them quickly and efficiently? b. Will this be a potential career choice in the future? c. Should I do my senior project on this topic?
4. The most important thing that I got out of this experience was a sense of appreciation and respect for the office staff at school. Most people just don't realize the kind of files they handle and that if they don't do their job right or at least care to, your student history wouldn't carry on with you to the next school or even college.
5. This experience did not really help me decide on what I'd like to do for my senior project, but it did help me figure out what I didn't want to do for it. I really don't want to be giving a two hour presentation on how to be an office clerk. Each time I was there I got a headache from the constant filing and repeating the alphabet song in my head constantly. It was very much mentally draining. I do however have another mentorship lined up helping out a movie producer, but for this I hope I don't do a lot of this kind of work. But, if it calls for it I will still do it, for work isn't always suppose to be fun, right?

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Senior presentations I saw were:
Hair dressing with Ana; Karate with Rene; Personal training with Andrew; Web design with Xavier; Stage managing with Gabriel; Art curating with Ivy; Foster care with Victoria; Physical therapy with Elizabeth; Computer Analysis with Brent; Photography with Austin; Special Olympics with Logan; Foley art with Evan; Homeless youth with Angel; and Immigration law with Yareli.

My question is: Has the senior project helped out the students in getting ahead in their careers?

I believe that the most important part of the senior presentation is the essential question because not only in every aspect of the presentation, especially the three answers, must they address the EQ. A good EQ can actually guide the student to present solid ad effective answers.

Right now, I'm thinking of doing film production as a senior project. But It's hard to secure good mentor and I believe several other of peers are thinking of doing something similar to that. My other two topics that I might fall back into would be culinary arts or tattooing. Basically I will be doing something that is relates to the creative world.