
Topic: Cinematography
EQ: How can a film maker best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I found my mentor!

Sorry for not telling you guys about it earlier, but I've been doing my mentorship as a TA for Phil Miller, the ROP Film teacher at Ipoly. I've been doing the usual for now: making copies and setting up equipment. But he's also been making me do my own special projects. I think for those I shall log them as part of my independent component since I'm actually applying skills to make a film, not just learning about it. Like today, I put together a full set of lights on a backdrop so that I can film Mr.Strand in an interview fashion for a newlywed game type video that his fiance was going to use for her party. I night post it up. I'll ask Mr.Strand for that. Anyways, already I feel like I will be able to do so much for my project mentoring with Mr. Miller.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Second Interview Questions

1. My mentor at the moment is Phil Miller. He's the ROP teacher for film at Ipoly.
2. Questions that I will be asking:

  • What first got you interested in the film industry?
  • What made you decide to pursue this as a career? 
  • Where did you go for film school, and how were the studies?
  • What aspect of film production do you have the most experience in?
  • Who are some inspirations in the field and why?
  • What projects have you worked on?
  • Anything interesting happened on any of the sets? 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blog 5 Project Reflection and Working EQ

1. I got a lot of positive things out of my summer mentorship, even though I'm not pursuing that topic anymore. I was doing some paper work and filing for my old middle school, but it was during the first week of school. So, they had tons of work to be done there, and if I wasn't there all of that work would have been dropped on just one filing clerk. She was beyond relieved that I was there. This also impressed the school counselor and principal. They have both offered to show there gratitude for my help by agreeing to write letters of recommendation and being references for any future job interview of mine.

2. During my latest research check, I came across an article that filmmaker Chris Randall wrote. It was his 10 tips for aspiring filmmakers. The way he put it was simple. Film making is not easy. It's not just about point and shoot. There's a lot of time, thought and effort that goes into. Even then, to get to the level of some of the greatest filmmakers ever know you have to practice and improve your skills. So the only way I'll get better at film making myself is to make a lot of films, short ones even.

3. I think the only thing that has worked so far is getting Phil Miller for my interview. He seems to be the most reliable person I have helping me out in the project.

4. Right now only one thing hasn't been working out for me. The first is my mentor, Roy Kurtluyan. He's an independent film maker who just came out with his latest film, The Power of Few. The problem is I haven't been able to get into contact with him for about two months already. I even talked to my connection for him and even he can't get in touch with him through any sort of media. So, in the end I;ll most likely be getting a new mentor.

5a. A potential question that I would like to study this year is somewhere along the lines of: How do you extract the most emotion out of an audience through film?

5b. I am hoping that my Roy Kurtluyan will be able to pull through in time to be my mentor, but if that does not work out I'm planning on taking an ROP course on film making.