
Topic: Cinematography
EQ: How can a film maker best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I found my mentor!

Sorry for not telling you guys about it earlier, but I've been doing my mentorship as a TA for Phil Miller, the ROP Film teacher at Ipoly. I've been doing the usual for now: making copies and setting up equipment. But he's also been making me do my own special projects. I think for those I shall log them as part of my independent component since I'm actually applying skills to make a film, not just learning about it. Like today, I put together a full set of lights on a backdrop so that I can film Mr.Strand in an interview fashion for a newlywed game type video that his fiance was going to use for her party. I night post it up. I'll ask Mr.Strand for that. Anyways, already I feel like I will be able to do so much for my project mentoring with Mr. Miller.

1 comment:

  1. I thought we had talked about this. I want to see that video. It sounds funny : )
