
Topic: Cinematography
EQ: How can a film maker best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1. The person that I'm planning on interviewing is my old ROP teacher, Mr. Phil Miller. I've chosen to interview him for a number of reasons, mostly because he is the most reliable source I have. Another reason why I've chosen him s because he does have a broad knowledge of the film production process, from top to bottom. I expect to get a lot of useful information from him.
2.  Additional questions I will be asking:
  • What kind of approach do you think I could take on this topic that could be effective?
  • What aspects of filmmaking are good for me to get into?
  • How can I as a high school student get a head start in this area of work?
No doubt, I'll come up with some more questions by the time I do the interview. Or at least, I can perfect the questions I've made so far.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. The topic that I will be pursuing for the Senior Project is film production.
2. I'll improve on being a more effective learner by going out and learning on my own for my independent component. I'll improve on my communication by being more clear and getting my points across more efficiently during the mock assembly. I'll show how I've improved on my effectiveness with technology by becoming more elaborate in my presentations, which I'll be proving during my senior presentation and my evening trade show by maybe using a different form of power point load out or even do what Navaroli does and bombard it with awesome pictures and animations. To be a more effective I-Poly citizen I will be more involved in the school programs. I might not be a part of ASB but that does not mean I won't be helping out and bringing new ideas to bring the students together.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cisco's Summer Mentorship Component

1. Cisco's summer mentorship log
2. I volunteered at Walnut Grove Intermediate School under MS. Borquez. the phone number to reach her at is (626) 919-7018.
3. a. Since these are important documents that need to be processed correctly, am I able to file them quickly and efficiently? b. Will this be a potential career choice in the future? c. Should I do my senior project on this topic?
4. The most important thing that I got out of this experience was a sense of appreciation and respect for the office staff at school. Most people just don't realize the kind of files they handle and that if they don't do their job right or at least care to, your student history wouldn't carry on with you to the next school or even college.
5. This experience did not really help me decide on what I'd like to do for my senior project, but it did help me figure out what I didn't want to do for it. I really don't want to be giving a two hour presentation on how to be an office clerk. Each time I was there I got a headache from the constant filing and repeating the alphabet song in my head constantly. It was very much mentally draining. I do however have another mentorship lined up helping out a movie producer, but for this I hope I don't do a lot of this kind of work. But, if it calls for it I will still do it, for work isn't always suppose to be fun, right?