
Topic: Cinematography
EQ: How can a film maker best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Recap

You know, December I going to bring a storm worth of work to the senior. I guess November was like the calm before the storm. All we've really been doing is preparing for Model Assembly and finishing up any other classes for the semester. But coming back from break we're going into Pittman's component, tightening up our speech, and testing our knowledge on Robert' rule. Not to mention I have to film both night on the red carpet and the play for drama. Quite  lot of work I have ahead of me.
Vacation though was  lot of work all on it's own. Some of you my know, I'm in the process of joining the Navy, and part of that process includes going to the MEPS (Military Examination and Processing Station) station in LA to take a full and thorough physical, but the processing started at 5 in the morning, so I got to pend the night the Sheraton Hotel near LAX. That was cool, it was my first time in  higher end hotel. I did have to wake up t 3:30 in the morning but when I got to the lobby I got my fir share of the breakfast buffet they had. So I was in LA since Sunday night and, due to complication, I had to stay another night. though the second night w kind of boring due to the lack of activities a minor can do within walking distance of LAX.
Wednesday morning I was with friends playing Dungeons and Dragons. The rest of that week I was either eating or helping out Jon build set piece for drama's play. Not exciting, but till not too shabby.