
Topic: Cinematography
EQ: How can a film maker best use image to spark an emotional connection with the film's audience?

Friday, April 25, 2014

Blog 19: Independent Component 2

I, Francisco Gonzalez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
The source that I am using for my Independent Component 2 is my mentor, Phil Miller the ROP dilm teacher here at I-Poly. There is a Log of my 30 hours located on the right under the group "Sausage Links" titled "Independent Component 2 Log."

My independent component helped me observe the creative process of planning a film that is more complex than the shorts that I've observed previously in the year. Now that it's second semester, I was able to learn about advanced lighting techniques like lighting two subjects instead of one now, and the use of colored gels and their uses. Students actual applied this newly earned knowledge by putting it into practice in a Doritos Commercial that they had to write and produce. Here's a video that explains those two weeks.

Recently the students just started the productions of their own independent films, which is their final project. In this project they are gathering up all of their knowledge and skills that they've acquired throughout the course and they put it together into what will be their best work yet. 
Throughout this whole process I've been assisting on the crews that need an extra hand or even giving some of my insight on some things. I've even been filming a lot of behind the scenes footage and am currently working on a documentary on their progress this semester. With this experience that I am gathering I can better understand the applications and usefulness in which my answers have. 

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